Home • Wellness Care • Senior Cat Wellness Care
As your cat ages, you will notice that your cat may be reluctant to jump as high as she used to or may be sleeping more than usual. You might find that it’s difficult to recognize age-related health changes since the signs of aging develop slowly and are easy for cat owners to miss.
Cats are masters at hiding illnesses, which is why bi-annual exams for senior cats are important. As cats age they require more frequent exams to detect early warning signs of disease and to allow us to begin treatment early. Generally, cats over 7-10 years of age are considered seniors.
If you notice any of these age-related health changes, please give us a call:
Blue Ridge Animal Clinic’s senior cat exams includes a complete physical exam plus an in-depth analysis of your cat’s overall health through diagnostic testing which may include senior cat blood work, urine or fecal analysis.
Senior cats have specialized nutritional needs. Obesity is quite common in older cats; we are here to help you prevent obesity in your cat if at all possible. If your senior cat is also facing health issues, he or she may need a special diet to support a chronic medical condition. We will assess your senior cat’s body condition and nutritional needs during their senior wellness exam and talk to you about ways in which you can help your senior cat lose weight or be healthier through proper nutrition.
There is no reason older cats should not exercise. You can provide mental stimulation for your senior cat by giving him or her new toys or putting a portion of their meals in a toy that will dispense treats. Making small modifications to your cat’s environment can make life easier for your senior cat. Your cat will appreciate a soft bed in an accessible location and a little warmer temperature on cold days. You may want to build or purchase a ramp to help your cat climb on his or her favorite chair. Keep your cat’s food and water bowls within easy reach, and easy-entry litter boxes may help with litterbox issues. Talk to us about more ways to stimulate your cat’s mental and physical ability that would suit your senior cat.
Please call us today to schedule an appointment for your senior feline at 334-279-5333!
Blue Ridge Animal Clinic © 2022
Blue Ridge Animal Clinic
4422 Wetumpka Hwy
Montgomery, AL 36110
Phone: 334-279-5333
Website Design by Cheshire Partners LLC
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